The weekend was interesting to say the least. Friday night we filmed a video for the builder...essentially a version of MTV Cribs, but I didn't have the courage to throw them out at the end which would of been fun. Chilling with the gang on Friday was a blast as usual...another late night. Saturday...what a joke. The wedding was terrible. Honestly, you would have to try to make it that bad. The good thing was we got to know Mike and his wife Sabrian really well. I'm glad we really hit it off with them.
Sunday..ugh what a busy day. Did some things around the house, moved some furniture, did some shopping with the wife, and then headed to NJ to a bday party. Seriously, where do the weekends go? Why can't I be lucky and have a 4 day work week.
Anyways, the wifey rolled out of the house around 3:30AM to catch her flight. I never even heard her leave which was interesting. Not looking forward to a week by myself as it will pose a lot of challenges being on my own. Not even in the sense of the addiction, but cooking food etc. I seem to take for granted how much she really does for me. As a matter of fact, when she is gone I won't even eat which is pretty pathetic LOL.
Today has been going ok so far. Trying to get some work done which has been a HUGE issue as of late. I was supposed to travel for work later this week, but I was able to push it off until next Monday. I'm trying very hard to keep focused on the task at hand of getting my work done. To accomplish this, I tried something new today. Trying to mix it up a little bit is never a bad thing. My therapist feels attending group meetings is a key to recovery. Though I would agree with her, I also find it equally as important to find a group that works for you.
Thus far this has been an issue for me. Time conflicts, not feeling comfortable or a pure lack of not caring on my part has kept me from really getting involved. However, at lunch time today I called into an SA phone meeting. WOW was that cool. People from all over the country were on the call and it was run in the same manner as a face to face step meeting. You can mute your phone so they can't hear you and you can just listen in. If you choose to talk the facilitator will ask all the different callers if you are interested in sharing. This is the same format as a group meeting which is really cool. I chose not to talk, but rather just listen. I think I will start to use these phone meetings as new tool as it seems to fit my schedule better.
As far as my addiction, I do have some new thoughts I would like to share. When I look at people that surround me in my life and/ or those who I have come across in the past it always seems like people are trying to fill a void in their lives. People fill this void with many things, but rarely is it of a positive nature. Some people fill it with drugs, alcohol, sex, spending money on wants not needs etc. I really believe we are all born to have a void in our lives. What separates us from having a life where we are at peace with ourselves is how you choose to fill that void. If you fill it with things mentioned above, more often than not, you will be left with a life that doesn't seems satisfying. These evil temptations that many of us engage in to fill the void is hurting us and God in so many ways. Its my belief that this void we are all born with is supposed to be filled with God. The more we realize he needs to be filling the void, the more at peace we may find ourselves in our daily lives.
As my relationship with Christ continues to grow each day, and I surrender myself to him in all ways I am starting to feel like that void could be filled with his love and guidance. Concentrating on building that relationship with God takes effort, but he is always there for us every second of the day. I believe I need to put more faith into God's power as he truly is the one who has the power to help heal my soul. Surrendering ourselves and admitting we are powerless over our addiction is key. Believing in a higher power to carry some of the burden should make the path to recovery that much easier. Through hard work, determination and God's love, beating this addiction will be possible.
~Suffer No More
It's my goal to create a safe environment where we can help eachother overcome this very difficult addiction. Everyone is encouraged to comment with suggestions or tips regarding how I can achieve my ultimate goal of an addiction free life. At the same time, other followers will be inspired to do the same. As a group we can make the dream of being free from our addiction a reality. Supporting eachother throughout the transformation process is key to recovery.
ROMANS 12:17-21
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
ROMANS 12:17-21
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
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